Comscore reports that tablets have gained critical mass ! And since no tablet has come close to iPad, it translates to iPad has gained critical mass.
With time, our usage patterns will evolve as well, for example the study shows that tablet users are more likely to view video than smart phone users and while that is true, more interesting patterns that may emerge could be the following:
1. How many of us would start reading long form content – fiction & non-fiction books on tablets (this will definitely include Kindle).
2. How would the magazine subscription rates and average revenue change for content publishers, most notably Conde Nast. There are many reading and magazine apps among the top grossing.
3. Child learning habits and grasping power evolution will be quite different. The iPad is a simple and most advanced multimedia device in the hands of a child, I have seen kids fixated to their iPads and unlike video games, there are great learning opportunities that kids really would enjoy.
Here’s a link to the Comscore report: