On our way to India in March 2009, we flew by Cathay Pacific Airlines and due to typhoon alert they had to change air route due to which we missed the connection in Hong Kong. Next connection was 24 hrs later. Oh well which airlines would compensate you for their mistake? Cathay Pacific did! They gave us accommodation in the 5 star airport hotel and gave us restaurant coupons as well. The next day, we pooled up into a team of 16 people and signed up for a day tour. It was supposed to rain that day but we lucked out. The skies were not clear but who wouldn’t prefer fog over rain.
So our tour began; First stop was Victoria Peak. It seemed like a popular tourist spot as it was flocked
with tourists and tourist buses. The peak was worth visiting, it gave us a panoramic and spectacular views of Hong Kong city – Victoria Harbor, world famous Happy Valley Racecourse, and Kowloon etc.

Second stop was at Aberdeen in Kowloon. Aberdeen is a fishing village. It hosts floating Jumbo restaurants and home to lots of people ( fishermen in specific ) living on wooden boats. Some of these boats are really very fancy and hi-tech as well. “Jumbo Floating Restaurant” seems to be a very popular spot. There were frequent rides aka sampan rides which can be used to get to the restaurant as well as around the fishing village. Most of the sampan drivers/captains were very serious and showed no assign of any expression until it was time to collect money 🙂 for the ride.
Last stop was at Stanley Markets. The place had awesome silk garments, art, and a host of other fantastic bargains. Bought an oil painting of Hong Kong skyline for just $10 and the frame till day steals everybody’s attention. This town is also very known for their Pearl market, looked at a few and me being from Hyderabad (pearl city) had to pass on what HK had to offer.
With Stanley, we ended our tour. Came back to our hotel, had a great dinner, slept early so we don’t miss the early morning flight.
On the whole this trip was great; great city, great people and made great friendships which we cherish to date.